Friday, July 11, 2008


basically SMKDP dont suck its just most of the teachers in it. brainless fuck-tards~! not to be rude but I cant help it~! you all are just blind and just stupid..u all are great teachers with brilliant mind.(at least most of you'all) but you just use your eyes to dont use your brains at all???
all this years of hard work...non of it being paid ask us to respect y'all but wat bout us? we are hyuman beings too..if you learn to respect us you'll find it more easier to communicate wit us..
like you all said you all was once a teenager like us...USE YOUR BRAIN!!! and think..! wat were you like in those days? rebelious? naughty? or maybe you are always the hard working but never gets anything in repay...or maybe you are the one putting your hopes and looking at it crashing down infront of you...
Ever had that feeling??
you all know what its like...i know you have your own responsibility....and so do we...but its not wrong to have fun and USE YOUR BRAIN ONCE IN A WHILE!@!!@!!
its wrong to judge a person if you DONT REALLY know dont know the pain that we are going through because of y' tried that before in your why do you want to pass it down to us?
because of your will be pass down to generations. ending up we only have one person to blame...
im upset because of y'all...i've put my heart and soul to everything i did for .....but at the end...(sigh) u all disgust me~!
you all have no rights to hurt anyone like that~!!!!!!!! this scar wil remain in me forever~!!!

bullshit to the teachers who had hurt my feelings and my spirit~!!
you're in my list~!

1 comment:

jia yao's blog said...

lol..smkdp style mah..xD